

About us

Continental Gallery is not a gallery as you know it. We don’t specialize in exhibition activity nor on sale of artworks of famous artists. With our project CogyBooks we want to open the curtains in our children’s rooms and let the sun shine on the pale children’s faces sitting behind screens of their computers.
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Náš příběh

Znáte ten pocit, kdy voláte na dítě, že se má jít najíst, a ono nejde, neboť právě hraje nějakou online hru a nemůže?  Mám dva syny a u nás se to stávalo poměrně běžně, zejména v případě Adama, toho mladšího. Moji ženu to hrozně vytáčelo, a tak se na mě obrátila jako na autoritu v rodině,...
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How to Limit Internet Access

In the article How Everything Started with CogyBooks, I talked of how I agreed with my son Adam to limit his access to the Internet at specific hours. The thing was he spent too much time playing online games not only instead of studying but also to the detriment of his sleep. As soon...
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